Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat2025-01-09T11:03:55+00:00Rizalnur Journal Systems<p>ISSN: <a title="ISSN" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2597-4653<br></a>e-ISSN:<a title="e-ISSN" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> 2597-4688</a></p> Limbah Pertanian dan Peternakan Sebagai Pupuk Kompos Alternatif Ramah Lingkungan untuk Pertanian Berkelanjutan2024-12-28T10:02:52+00:00Milawati Lallaade_emharla@ymail.comI Made Sudiartasuyatimade83@gmail.comAsriani I<p>Anorganic fertilizers that are used continuously for a long time will result in land degradation and farmers’ dependence on the use of anorganic fertilizers. For the reason, needs to be accompanied by the organic fertilizer in form of compost. Compost row materials are easy to obtain because they come from agricultural and livestock waste whitch has not been utilized optimally. Making compost from agricultural and livestock waste must continue to be developed by providing training. The aim of activity is to increase participants’ knowledge and skills in making organic fertilizer so that they can reduce the use of anorganic fertilizer. The activity was carried out in the form of a demonstration on how to make compost fertilizer. The organic materials use are goat dung, cow dung, swallow dung, banana weevil, pineapple peel, <em>Chromolaena</em> leaves, <em>Gliricidia</em> leaves, rice straw, EM4, brown sugar and water. The activity begins with preparing tools and materials, weighing the ingredients, mixing ant storing them in container for fermentation. As a result of this activity is that participants understand how to make compost fertilizer, the materials that can be used and produce compost products. </p>2024-12-28T10:02:52+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## TEKNOLOGI PELOROT MALAM, KONTEN KREATIF, DAN PENCAMPURAN PEWARNAAN ALAM DAN SINTETIS UNTUK PENINGKATAN KUALITAS DAN KAPASITAS BATIK TULIS DI BANGKALAN2024-12-28T12:16:07+00:00Liosten Rianna Roosida Ully Tampubolonliosten2311@gmail.comSafrin Syahrul<p><em>The production process of Batik Tulis in Paseseh Village, Tanjung Bumi </em><em>Subdistrict, Bangkalan Regency uses conventional methods starting from batik with </em><em>canting, the fixation process of mixing colouring and ngelorot malam so that there </em><em>are problems, namely: production capacity, product quality and competitiveness are </em><em>still low. The purpose of the empowerment programme for business partners of </em><em>regional superior products is to provide the application of technological innovations </em><em>in the malam pelorot machine, mixing natural and synthetic dyes and creative </em><em>content so as to increase production capacity, minimise product damage, sales </em><em>volume, batik craftsmen's profits and product competitiveness. The method used is in </em><em>the form of training, mentoring and practice of technological innovation to partner </em><em>1 and partner 2: 1) Night pelorot machine in partner 2: can increase production </em><em>capacity by 40%, defective product damage rate decreased by 3%, company profits </em><em>increased by 35%, and sales volume increased by 30%, 2) Training, mentoring and </em><em>practice of mixing natural and synthetic colouring can increase the knowledge of </em><em>partner 1 and partner 2 by 30% to 65%, 3) Training, Mentoring and Practice of </em><em>Creative Content Creation can increase knowledge and skills in creative content </em><em>creation for partner 1 and partner 2 by 60%.</em></p>2024-12-28T10:25:32+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## SEKOLAH INKLUSI MELALUI E-MODUL BERJENJANG SEBAGAI PENGEMBANGAN KOMPETENSI GURU DALAM PEMENUHAN LAYANAN PENDIDIKAN INKLUSIF2024-12-28T10:42:30+00:00Moh Reztia Anjaranideviejungso@gmail.comFauzan Prasetyo Eka Umar Isma’elm73702844@gmail.comWildanus<p>Tujuan pengabdian ini adalah memberikan pemberdayaan sekolah inklusi SDN Barkot 5 Pamekasan melalui E-Modul Berjenjang sebagai pengembangan kompetensi guru dalam pemenuhan layanan pendidikan inklusif. Kegiatan pengabdian dilaksanakan di SDN Barkot 5 Pamekasan dengan sasaran pengembangan kompetensi guru. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan yang digunakan identifikasi dan asesmen awal, profil belajar siswa, perencanaan rancangan pembelajaran E-Modul Berjenjang, pelatihan dan pedampingan, penilaian dan evaluasi, dan asesmen hasil. Dengan kegiatan pendampingan ini, kegiatan pemberdayaan ini sesuai tujuan yang ingin dicapai yakni layanan pendidikan yang mengikutsertakan siswa berkebutuhan khusus untuk belajar bersama dengan siswa lainnya dan sebagai pengembangan kompetensi guru dalam pemenuhan layanan pendidikan inklusif. media E-Modul berjenjang dapat diterapkan dalam pembelajaran di kelas. Penggunaan teknologi dapat membantu guru dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran di kelas. E-Modul Berjenjang bisa diterapkan dan relevan dalam pembelajaran dan peserta sudah memiliki bayangan yang lebih luas tentang e modul serta dapat dipraktikkan dalam proses pembelajaran</p>2024-12-28T10:42:30+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGUATAN PEREKONOMIAN MASYARAKAT DESA SAMBIBULU MELALUI WISATA EDUKASI BERBASIS KEARIFAN LOKAL2024-12-29T02:19:08+00:00Siti Kurnia Rianna Roosida Ully Tantri<p><em>The Assisted Village Empowerment Program (AVEP) in strengthening the community's economy is very important to improve community welfare and empowerment through the local potential that exists around the Assisted Village. Sambibulu Village, Taman District, Sidoarjo Regency, East Java has a variety of regional potential that needs to be developed, such as water ecotourism, MSME stalls, agricultural equipment rental, agribusiness, and the Sambi Horti Red Guava Farmers Group. The aim of this AVEP program is to increase the level of empowerment of target partners in each partner based on increasing product quality, capacity and competitiveness. The methods used are socialization, training, application of technology, mentoring and evaluation, as well as a desire program. The results of this activity showed an increase in production output by 50% and product quality increased by 65%, diversification of crystal seed guava and shallot planting with an increase in profits of 40%.</em></p>2024-12-29T02:17:05+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## BUDIDAYA SAYURAN HIRDOPONIK BAGI WARGA DESA DADAPAN KECAMATAN WAJAK2025-01-09T06:04:10+00:00Yekti Sri Rahayuyektisrahayu@gmail.comIstiyono Kirnoprasetyoiskapraz@gmail.comMikael Adri Budi Maulidia Rukmanavitamaulidia1234@gmail.comRizalnur<p>Most of the people in Dadapan Village have yards that have not been utilized optimally. The community also does not know the techniques for cultivating vegetable plants in the yard to fulfill household scale food security programs. This community service program aims to empower the community in Dadapan village, especially women from the PKK and Karang Taruna through the use of yard land for the production of vegetable crops. The implementation method applied is training in simple hydroponic vegetable farming which is carried out through the Real Work Lecture program. The activity stages begin with coordinating the implementation of the program with community leaders, training activities and practice of installing a hydroponic wick system in the yard. The results of the training activities showed that the community, especially PKK women and members of youth organizations, were able to cultivate vegetable plants in their yards using the wick system hydroponic planting technique. The wick system hydroponic planting technique is very popular with PKK women and youth organizations because the materials and equipment used are very easy to obtain, economical and easy to apply in the home garden. The practice of cultivating vegetables in the home yard using a hydroponic system can support the fulfillment of vegetable needs at the household level, supported by intensive maintenance of vegetable plants so that the home yard becomes more productive</p>2025-01-09T06:04:10+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## DAN PENDAMPINGAN STRATEGI PEMASARAN DALAM MEMPERLUAS PANGSA PASAR DI INDONESIA TIMUR DAN PERHITUNGAN BIAYA POKOK PRODUK PADA UMKM DI KAB. KEDIRI2025-01-09T11:03:55+00:00Andarwati<p><em>This community service activity aims to provide training and assistance related to how to determine marketing strategies in expanding market share to the Eastern Indonesia region and calculating product costs for MSMEs in Kediri Regency. The MSMEs that are guided are focused on MSMEs engaged in snacks that are in high demand in the market. Based on the results of initial communication with prospective partners, namely small and medium business actors in the city of Kediri, where these small business actors do not yet understand the importance of determining the right marketing strategy to support the development of their business. Business actors only do marketing in conventional or traditional ways. This will certainly be a definite obstacle for MSMEs because with this method, consumers are only limited to the community around the MSME area. So the solution offered is to provide training and assistance in determining marketing strategies in expanding market share and calculating product costs for MSMEs in Kediri Regency. The results of this training and assistance are that the participants better understand and are able to apply how to determine marketing strategies that are in accordance with the business they are running and the participants also better understand the importance of calculating production costs for the sustainability of their business. </em></p>2025-01-09T11:03:55+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement##